Pärnu Hansapäevade turul kauplemise tingimused / Trading Terms and Conditions for the Pärnu Hanseatic Days

Turul kauplemise tingimused

  • Pärnu Hansapäevad toimuvad 27.-29.06.2025
  • Turu lahtiolekuajad on:
    • 27.06 kell 12:00-20:00
    • 28.06 kell 10:00-20:00
    • 29.06 kell 10:00-15:00.
  • Kauplejate registreerimine Pärnu Hansapäevade turule toimub 1.03 – 1.06.2025.
  • Registreerimistaotluse kinnitamisest või mittekinnitamisest* anname teada e-kirja teel kahe nädala jooksul alates registreerumisest. Kauplemiskoha turul tagab tähtajaks tasutud arve. Arveid väljastame alates maikuust.
  • Hansapäevadel tõstame ausse vana aja eheda käsitöö ning selleaegse elulaadi. Nagu juba tavaks saanud, on Hansapäevade üks oluline osa turg. Kuna hansakaubanduse tekkimine ja areng jäid keskaega, siis eelkõige soovime hansaturul näha keskaegset miljööd, kaupa ja kostüüme. Lubatud on ka rahvariided või talupoeglik riietus. Müüja riietus, müügikoha välimus ning müüdav kaup peavad omavahel harmoneeruma. Leti taga oleva müüja riietus peab vastama registreerimisvormis kirjeldatule.
  • Turul võib kaubelda kõigega, mis käsitööna tehtud, seotud käsitöö või vana aja kultuuriga. Müüa võib ka toidukaupu, sööki, jooki, taimi, loomatarbeid jne. Oluline on, et müüdav kaup sobiks keskaegsesse miljöösse. Eriti teretulnud on käsitöölised, kes demonstreerivad turul oma käsitööoskusi või osutavad ajastule vastavat teenust.
  • Kaupleja peab ise omama kõike vajalikku oma kauba eksponeerimiseks ja müümiseks. Lubatud on varikatused ja telgid, mis sobituvad keskaegsesse või rahvuslikku miljöösse. Müügikoha kinnitamisel tuleb arvestada ilmaoludega ning vajadusel kasutada lisaraskust. Iga kaupleja vastutab müügikoha ebapiisavast kinnitamisest tulenevate kahjude eest ise.
  • Kauplejal ei ole lubatud paigutada kaupa oma kauplemiskohast väljapoole.
  • Turu lahtiolekuaegadel saab kaupa juurde tuua ainult käsitsi. Autod peavad olema teisaldatud turu territooriumilt vähemalt 1 tund enne turu avamist. Reedel ja laupäeval on autoga lubatud turuplatsile sõita 1 tund ja pühapäeval pool tundi peale turu ametlikku sulgemisaega.
  • Öösel on turu territooriumil valve tagamaks turvalisust ja heakorda. Korraldajad ei võta endale vastutust kauplejate varade eest, seega soovitame ööseks kauba ära viia.
  • Kauplejad, kes vajavad elektrit (kasutamine kuulub eraldi tasu alla), peavad registreerimisvormi märkima kasutatavate elektriliste seadmete nimekirja koos voolu tarbimise kogusega (nt. elektriline veekeedukann 2 tk võimsusega 1500 W + 1500 W). Kõik kasutatavad elektriseadmed peavad olema terved ja vastama CEE normidele. Elektrit vajavad kauplejad saavad eelnevalt teada, kui kaugelt on neil võimalik vool saada. Vajalike pikendusjuhtmetega varustab end kaupleja ise.
  • Turu territooriumi veevõtukoht on Vallikääru aasal.
  • Iga kaupleja vastutab selle eest, et temast ei jää kauplemiskohta maha ühtegi prügi. Korraldaja tagab piirkonda paigaldatud prügikastid ja turu üldkoristus
  • Kaupleja peab omama kõiki kaubandustegevuseks vajalikke lube ning täitma kõiki seadusega sätestatud tuleohutuse üldnõudeid. Kaupleja vastutab õigusaktides sätestatud nõuete täitmise eest.
    • Toidukaubaga kauplejatel tuleb Veterinaar- ja Toiduametile esitada nõutud teavitus.
    • Tarbijakaitseameti meelespea on siin.
    • Maksu- ja Tolliameti info töötajate registreerimise kohta on siin.
  • Kaupleja on kohustatud kauplema oma müügikohas kõigil kolmel turu toimumise päeval. Võimalikud erisused tuleb kooskõlastada turu korraldajaga.
  • Kui registreerunud kaupleja ei saa mingil põhjusel turul osaleda, on tal õigus hiljemalt 14 päeva enne Pärnu Hansapäevade algust 50 % kauplemiskoha eest tasutud summast korraldajalt vastava avalduse alusel tagasi küsida. Hilisemaid nõudeid korraldaja ei rahulda.
  • Korraldajal on õigus mitte lubada turule kauplejaid, kes rikuvad kauplemiskohale esitatud nõudeid ja/või müüvad registreerimistaotluses mitte märgitud kaupa. Sel juhul kauplemiskoha eest makstud tasu kauplejale ei tagastata. Kauplemiskohtade muutmine ilma korraldaja loata on keelatud. Juhul, kui kaupleja muudab oma kauplemiskohta ilma korraldaja loata, on korraldajal õigus kaupleja turult kõrvaldada. Sel juhul kauplemiskoha eest makstud tasu kauplejale ei tagastata.

* Kuna kauplemiskohtade arv on piiratud, võtab korraldaja endale õiguse valida turul osalevad kauplejad.


Kauplemiskohtade väljastamine:

  • Neljapäeval, 26.juunil 18:00 – 20:00
  • Reedel, 27.juunil 06:00 – 10:00

Trading Terms and Conditions

  • Pärnu Hanseatic Days take place from 27 June to 29 June 2025.
  • Opening hours for the Market are as follows:
    • 27 June 2025 from 12.00 to 20.00
    • 28 June 2025 from 10.00 to 20.00
    • 29 June 2025 from 10.00 to 15.00
  • Vendor registration begins on the 1st of March and ends on the 1st of June 2025. Vendor plot registration forms can be found here.
  • Vendors will be notified by e-mail within two weeks upon registration regardless of acceptance*. Selected vendor confirmation is complete once and invoice has been sent and payment has been made. Vendors will be invoiced beginning in May 2024.
  • The Hanseatic Days elevate the glory of authentic old-time crafts and lifestyles. As always, the Market is an important part of Hanseatic Days. Since the emergence and development of the Hanseatic trade during the Middle Ages, our Hanseatic Market must contain a medieval atmosphere including costumes and goods. National costumes or rustic clothing are also permitted. Vendor’s clothing and stalls must be in harmony with each other. Vendors in their sales areas must conform to clothing confirmed during registration.
  • Anything can be traded in the Market, so long as it is handcrafted, made to related crafts or from the old-time culture. Vendors may also sell groceries, meals, drinks, plants, animal products, etc. It is important that the goods being sold conform to medieval settings. Especially welcome are craftsmen who demonstrate their handicraft skills in the Market or provide a service related to the medieval era. The vendor must have everything necessary for the sale of their goods at the Market. Canopies and tents are permitted if they conform to medieval settings. Vendors are not permitted to place their goods outside of their designated sales plot. Weather conditions must be considered when setting up vendor tents and, if necessary, additional securing tent post weights should be considered. Each vendor is responsible for damages resulting from insufficient anchorage during inclement weather.
  • Vendor vehicles must be removed from the Market area at least one hour prior to opening and all during the Market opening hours. Replenishment of vendor goods during Market hours must be performed manually without a vehicle. On Friday and on Saturday vendor vehicles are permitted one hour to drive within the Market areas after closing time (2000), and on Sunday vendor vehicles are permitted to drive within the Market areas one half hour following Market closing (1530).
  • The Market area is secured each night by patrols to maintain security and upkeep of the grounds. The organizers do not assume responsibility for vendor’s belongings. It is therefore recommended that vendors remove their belongings for the evening.
  • Those vendors in need of electrical power at the Market (electrical usage is a separate cost calculated during the registration process) must indicate both their electrical appliances and the total wattage required within the registration form (for example two (2) water kettles at 1500 watts equals 3000 total watts). All electrical user devices must be CEE certified and in working order. Those registered vendors will be notified on the distance from the electrical source. That said, the vendor is responsible for adequate extension cords to safely connect the source to their sales area.
  • There are water access points available on the market grounds, but vendors must provide their own water containers.
  • Each vendor is responsible in maintaining cleanliness of their sales area. Leaving garbage in or around the sales area is forbidden. The Market coordinator will ensure that garbage collection containers and the overall areas are maintained.
  • Vendors of foodstuffs must submit the required information to the Estonian Veterinary and Food Board.The Estonian Tax and Customs Board link pertaining to employees is here.
  • Registered vendors must be available to trade during all three days of the Market. Possible exceptions must be coordinated with the Market coordinator.
  • If, for any reason, a registered vendor is not able to participate in the Market, the vendor has the right to a 50% refund which must be requested not later than 14 days before the start of the Market. Requests not meeting these requirements will not be honored.
  • The organizers reserve the right to refuse vendors from participating in the Market, who are in breach of the requirements and/or trade goods not included and accepted in their registration. In such cases, the registration fees shall not be refunded to the vendor.Vendors sales plots are assigned by the organizers based on vendors needs and availability of space in the Market. Sales plots cannot be moved or changed without specific permission. Exchanging or moving vendor sales plots without permission from the organizers will result in the removal of the vendor’s sales plot and without refund of registration fees.

*Due to limited numbers of sales plots, the organizers reserve the right to select participating vendors.


Registered vendor plots will be issued as follows:

  • Thursday, 26 June from 18.00 to 20.00
  • Friday, 27 June from 06.00 to 10.00

Pärnu Hansapäevad 2025 kauplejate registreerimine.


Aet Parve
tel. +372 512 8141

English content coming soon!

General Description of the Hanseatic Period

The independent-privileged city of New Pärnu was established on April 5, 1265. By that time, the Hanseatic League had not yet fully formed, and its organization was still disorganized. Since New Pärnu was established on the territory of the Livonian branch of the Teutonic Order and with its master’s privilege, New Pärnu was not excluded from the emerging Hanseatic League, as one of its founders was the Teutonic Order. Membership in the Hanseatic League was important for a trading town because goods for resale had to be unloaded and stored in a Hanseatic town, which brought income to local merchants. In 1318, the privileges of New Pärnu were expanded, and the town council had the right to turn to an arbitrator—the town council of Riga—on disputes with the landowner, i.e., the Teutonic Order’s Livonian branch’s Pärnu commander. New Pärnu had its territory between Embecke (from the 16th century, the Pärnu River) and the sea, and the land border ran from the mouth of the Reiu River to what is now Raeküla. In 1265, one-third of the town’s court revenues were allocated for the town’s maintenance and fortification, and since 1318, half of the revenues were allocated. The main church of Pärnu, located by the market square, was St. Nicholas (Püha Nikolai), in whose Holy Cross chapel the city’s relic, the Black Cross, was kept. In the craftsmen’s district, there was the Holy Spirit Church (Pühavaimu). The population of the town in the 14th–15th centuries may have been around 400–500, and in the 16th century, it was 600 (with the suburbs’ inhabitants, around 1,000).